
Monthly Archives: July 2014

18 Jul 2014

Nexus Modern Art

New works by Brett Ashby in online gallery- Contact Jason De Run 0404 434 008 Artist statement: My art explores the process of movement in society and humanity. My photomontage style is a process of production that tells a story of everyday life within the subject. A word from an observer, Richard Sleeman. London, UK. β€œJust like his art shows, Brett curates imagery through the face of iconic symbolism creating a microcosm within reality. Ashby plays with the standards of […]

10 Jul 2014

Young St

β€œBrett Ashby was contracted to complete a mural on a vacant and frequently graffiti wall in the central business area of Frankston. Brett was able to engage with local schools students to devise the design for the mural and replicate in art form what they believe symbolises the Frankston area.Brett’s mural which contains Perspex art together with painting on brick work is still standing today and unaffected by any graffiti.” Many thanks. Ken Liddicoat Coordinator Community Development ProjectsFranks City Council

09 Jul 2014